Oregon Ready-to-Drink Cocktails (RTDs)

Take action NOW by respectfully asking your legislator to support spirits RTDs expansion!

It’s time to allow spirits RTDs in grocery stores!

HB 3730 increases convenience and supports homegrown distillers by allowing your favorite spirits-based RTDs to be sold in Oregon grocery stores.

Spirits RTDs are booming and sold in grocery stores in 32 other states, but in Oregon, that’s not the case.

This inconveniences consumers, like you, by forcing you to make a special trip for your favorite spirits-based RTD products. It also harms local distilleries trying to expand their market. That’s completely unfair!

Why are you prevented from purchasing spirits RTDs in stores, where beer and wine have been safely sold for more than 90 years? It just doesn’t make sense.

Allowing spirits RTDs to be sold next to beer and wine in grocery stores would:

  • Provide Oregon consumers greater choice and convenience
  • Support your homegrown Oregon distilleries
  • Generate $22.8 million in new state and local revenue in just four years


TAKE ACTION NOW and ask your legislators to support HB 3730, which would increase convenience and support local distillers by allowing spirits RTDs to be sold in Oregon grocery stores!